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Developing a Turnaround Business Plan : Leadership Techniques to Activate Change Strategies, Secure Competitive Advantage, and Preserve Success

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Developing a Turnaround Business Plan is an ideal resource for managers currently facing a competitive crisis as well as those who wish to avert one and must set a turnaround plan in motion before the situation results in irreversible losses.Whereas the book helps readers develop a sound turnaround plan, the focus of the book is on the actual process that contributes to the development and implementation of that plan. The book details how to identify the root causes that triggered the competitive crisis and how to initiate remedial actions before the turnaround plan begins. After reading this. Read more...

Abstract: Developing a Turnaround Business Plan is an ideal resource for managers currently facing a competitive crisis as well as those who wish to avert one and must set a turnaround plan in motion before the situation results in irreversible losses.Whereas the book helps readers develop a sound turnaround plan, the focus of the book is on the actual process that contributes to the development and implementation of that plan. The book details how to identify the root causes that triggered the competitive crisis and how to initiate remedial actions before the turnaround plan begins. After reading this

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