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Blockchain Technology Solutions for the Security of IoT-Based Healthcare Systems

EN Informatique, Internet et médias numériques il y a 1 an 948
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Blockchain Technology Solutions for the Security of IoT-Based Healthcare Systems explores the various benefits and challenges associated with the integration of blockchain with IoT healthcare systems, focusing on designing cognitive-embedded data technologies to aid better decision-making, processing and analysis of large amounts of data collected through IoT. This book series targets the adaptation of decision-making approaches under cognitive computing paradigms to demonstrate how the proposed procedures, as well as big data and Internet of Things (IoT) problems can be handled in practice.

Current Internet of Things (IoT) based healthcare systems are incapable of sharing data between platforms in an efficient manner and holding them securely at the logical and physical level. To this end, blockchain technology guarantees a fully autonomous and secure ecosystem by exploiting the combined advantages of smart contracts and global consensus. However, incorporating blockchain technology in IoT healthcare systems is not easy. Centralized networks in their current capacity will be incapable to meet the data storage demands of the incoming surge of IoT based healthcare wearables.

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