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Speak Good English Movement Grammar Rules Book

EN Lengua, Lingüística y Escritura il y a 2 ans 1564
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Gone are the days when you worry about embarrassing yourself with pesky misplaced modifiers or dreaded double negatives. Next time you have a nagging grammar question, pick up this practical guide and write with clarity and confidence.

A very effective and different audiobook...This audiobook was written specifically to be narrated, has been designed and structured to ensure easy and unconscious learning for the listener.

Inside you'll find:

  • learning english grammar with mini-stories
  • properly use of grammar elements
  • homonyms and punctuations
  • the most common grammar mistake
  • and much more...

Target users:

  • all those who want to review English grammar
  • foreigners who want to learn English grammar in the best possible way
  • students who need to review the grammar rules


Q I have a hard time memorizing and concentrating, will I be able to learn the grammar rules?
A> absolutely yes! This audiobook was created efficiently to allow you to memorize and learn quickly and easily.

Q What's different from the other grammar books?
A This audiobook is not the usual boring audiobook, but above all it does not contain only grammar lessons. It's really complete because it also teaches you a fast and effective method of study.

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