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Exploring Jupiter: The Astrological Key to Progress, Prosperity & Potential

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This book is the very essence of Jupiter. From its apt title, to its generous use of many famous chart examples, to Arroyo's trademark insight and wisdom on every page, "Exploring Jupiter" is positively a winner! The presentation of the astrology is clear, practical and intelligent, making it a must for both newer students and more experienced practising astrologers. Unlike the majority of modern astrologers, Arroyo refers to Jupiter's ancient rulership of Pisces as being significant, and the book is written with this in mind. Otherwise much of the book is built on the usual "cookbook" approach: Jupiter through the signs, Jupiter through the houses (arranged by element), Jupiter aspects in the birth chart and so on. As always with Stephen Arroyo, it is the clarity and profound depth of these guidelines for interpretation that is so striking. The chapter on transits involving Jupiter is particularly good, building on ideas he has expressed in earlier writings.

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