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The Innovator's Dilemma: When New Technologies Cause Great Firms to Fail (Management of Innovation and Change Series)

EN Sciences, technologie et médecine il y a 3 ans 1506
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"The Innovator's Dilemma" demonstrates why outstanding companies that had their competitive antennae up, listened astutely to customers, and invested aggressively in new technologies still lost their market dominance. Drawing on patterns of innovation in a variety of industries, the author argues that good business practices can, nevertheless, weaken a great firm. He shows how truly important, breakthrough innovations are often initially rejected by customers that cannot currently use them, leading firms to allow their most important innovations to languish. Many companies now face the innovator's dilemma. Keeping close to customers is critical for current success. But long-term growth and profits depend upon a very different managerial formula. This book will help managers see the changes that may be coming their way and will show them how to respond for success. It is part of the "The Management of Innovation and Change" series.

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